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Speaker Gaskets

Speaker Gaskets - Paper, Cork, EVA, Foam, Chipboard, Rubatex

When repairing speakers, gaskets can and should be reused as often as possible. Gaskets vary slightly in a lot of cases, and many are no longer made, or are unavailable. The best way to insure a correct fit is to carefully remove the original gaskets for reuse. If the gaskets are not reusable for whatever reason, don’t worry! This is generally not a big deal, as in most cases they are not a critical part.

Gaskets which are mounted to the front of drivers, over the outside edge of the surround, are only necessary if the driver is going to be installed so that the gasket is the sealing surface. An example of this would be in cases where you are installing the driver inside a speaker cabinet. Alternatively, in most finished speakers, the gaskets are exposed on the front of the driver, and do not create a seal. Although exposed gaskets may not serve a physical function, they may be aesthetically pleasing, and act more like a trim ring than a gasket.

There are three primary reasons gaskets are installed on the speaker drivers when they are factory built. Firstly, the gasket allows the manufacturer the ability to mount the driver inside a speaker cabinet if that is the design. Secondly, gaskets can help protect the drivers during shipping by keeping the surrounds from rubbing against the shipping container. And finally, (as previously mentioned) gaskets may be seen as aesthetically pleasing.

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6 inch eva foam speaker gasket 4 piece 6  1/2"  Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 8 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket
6 1/2" Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Piece - GASKET65B
Our Price: $3.50
Sale Price: $1.99
You save $1.51!

8 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Notch - GASKET8D
Our Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $2.50
You save $0.50!

6 inch EVA foam speaker gasket 4 piece. Outside Diameter: 6" (6-3/4" at corners) Inside Diameter: 5-5/8" Screw Hole to Screw Hole: 6-1/8".  1/4" Thick Four piece paper speaker gasket for 6 1/2" speakers. Paper gasket has 4 screw hole notches. 6-5/16" Outside Diameter. 5-7/8" Inside Diameter. 1/4" Wide. 1/4" Thick. 8 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket with 4 Notches for Screws.

Outside Diameter: 7-15/6" 20 cm
Inside Diameter: 7-1/4" 18.5 cm
Width: 7/20" (0.35") 1.0 cm
Thickness: 1/4" 0.6 cm

4 Pieces Per Gasket

8 Inch Foam Speaker Gasket 8 Inch Foam Speaker Gasket 10 Inch Speaker Gasket
10 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Piece 4 Screw Holes - GASKET10D
Our Price: $3.50
Sale Price: $2.50
You save $1.00!

8 inch black EVA foam speaker gasket. Four piece with 4 screw hole notches. 8 inch black EVA foam speaker gasket. Four piece with 8 screw hole notches. 10" Paper Speaker Gasket. Four Pieces Per Gasket. Four Screw Holes Per Gasket.

Outside Diameter: 10" (25.50 cm)
Inside Diameter: 9-1/8" (23 cm)
Width: 3/8" .375 " ( 1 cm )
Thickness: 1/4" .25" ( 6 mm )

Measurements are rounded slighty and may vary +- 1 mm

10 Inch Foam Speaker Gasket 12 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 12 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket
10 Inch Black EVA Foam Speaker Gasket 4 Piece - GASKET10C
Our Price: $2.50
Sale Price: $1.99
You save $0.51!

12 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Piece 8 Screw Holes - GASKET12A
List Price: $3.95
Our Price: $3.50
You save $0.45!

12 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Piece 4 Screw Holes - GASKET12D
List Price: $3.95
Our Price: $3.50
Sale Price: $2.95
You save $1.00!

10 inch EVA black foam speaker gasket 4 piece. 12 inch paper speaker gasket. Four piece. Eight Screw Holes.

Outside Diameter: 12"
Width: 1/2"
Thickness: 1/4"
12 inch Paper Speaker Gasket. Four piece. Four Screw Holes.
12 Inch  EVA Foam Speaker Gasket 15 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 15 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket
12 Inch Black EVA Foam Speaker Gasket 4 Piece - GASKET12C
Our Price: $2.50
Sale Price: $1.95
You save $0.55!

15 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Piece - GASKET15A
List Price: $4.95
Our Price: $3.95
You save $1.00!

15 Inch Paper Speaker Gasket 4 Piece - GASKET15D
List Price: $4.95
Our Price: $3.50
You save $1.45!
12 inch EVA black foam speaker gasket 4 piece. 8 screw hole notches. Outside Diameter: 11-3/4" Inside Diameter: 10-3/4"  Width: 1/2"  Thickness: 1/4" 15 inch paper speaker gasket 4 pieces per gasket. Black colored. Outside Diameter: 14-7/8"  ( 37.8 cm) Width: 1/2" ( 12.7 mm) Thickness: 3/8" (9.5 mm) 15 inch paper speaker gasket 4 pieces per gasket.
15 Inch Black Foam Speaker Gasket
15 Inch Black EVA Foam Speaker Gasket 8 Piece - GASKET15B
Our Price: $3.95
Sale Price: $1.95
You save $2.00!

15 inch black EVA foam speaker gasket, 8 piece. Outside Diameter: 14 7/8"  Width: 1/2"  Thickness: 3/8"